Shipping to certain countries is affected by export controls and ongoing international sanctions based on the type of goods, the origin and destination country and the parties involved in the transaction.
There are several reasons why governments aim to control the export of goods, depending on the nature and destinations of the proposed export.
Whether or not you need an export licence for your goods will be determined by 4 factors, the:
The countries that you should be particular concerned in exporting too are as follows: -
Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Burma, China, Democratic Republic of Congo, Eritrea, Iran, Iraq, Ivory Coast, Lebanon, Liberia, Libya, North Korea, Republic of Guinea, Russian Federation, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, Ukraine and Zimbabwe.
The following checklist outlines the broad categories of goods which are likely to be controlled:
Please be advised that HM Customs have advised that they now require the following declaration on all shipping invoices with immediate effect.
‘I confirm that these are not controlled goods and that they do not require an export license. I declare that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that the goods are of the origin specified above’
The invoice must be signed and dated.
Team Global must be advised by e-mailing if you are or think that you are exporting controlled goods. Please note that you can also visit the following links: -